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Read Before Watching - This is unbelievable!

Read Before Watching - This is unbelievable!
Most see airport security as a pain. Some feel violated. When you watch this clip, you'll understand why they want your cell phone through the x-ray machine. If you get asked to test your cell phone at the airport, this is the reason. Cell phone guns have arrived. They are real. The attached video clip shows how cell phone guns
operate. These phones are not in the U.S. yet, but they are in use overseas.
Beneath the digital phone face is a .22 caliber handgun capable of firing four rounds in rapid succession using the standard telephone keypad. European law enforcement officials are stunned by the discovery of these deadly decoys. They say phone guns are changing the rules of engagement in Europe. Only when you have one in your hand do you realize that they are heavier than a regular cell phone.
Be patient if security asks to look at your cell phone or turn it on to show that it works. They have a good reason!
Wake up to our NEW WORLD!! We shouldn't complain about airport security 'invading your privacy.'

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