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Using fabric to decorate your scrapbook and cards.

Ribbon and braids are wonderful for making borders and decoration. Ribbons can be woven through a series of eyelets, or glued over other fabrics to add more texture to your design. Wider ribbons can be used as borders and you can even stamp them with words or pictures for more interesting effects. And of course ribbons can be tied into bows or knots

Beige Lace - Doilies

Fabrics add a wonderful textural quality to scrapbooks and greeting cards. They can be attached to cardstork directly, or you can use an iron-on fabric stiffener on the reverse side of the fabric before cutting out the shapes. You can also use iron-on hemming tape to attach strips of fringed fabric, or small swatches to the cardstock.

Another way to attach pieces of fabric to cardstock is with glue or you can even use your sewing machine, or needle and thread to secure the pieces to the card.

Eyelets or brads can also be used to anchor the fabric to cardstock.

Experiment with different fabric textures such as cotton, wool, synthetic fabrics, burlap, lace etc.
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