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Some Home Decorating Craft Projects

Some Home Decorating Craft Projects
...This style tray was found at the $2.00 shop. They usually have them in stock around Christmas time. I like using JoSonja's background colours for painting the backgrounds. In this particular case, I would paint the background a solid colour then sponge on two slightly different shades of colour. The prints would then be added with decoupage techniques.
...Start with two framed prints then make a border by masking the area to make the stripes. Decorate old canisters with the prints that are included on the CD or you can combine two or three different prints and make your own designs.
...Old wood canister transformed with a bit of paint and a print from this CD. Again, you can use the signs and label prints provided on the CD, or invent your own designs by using borders and other prints.
...Decorate an old trunk or blanket box with fashion prints, medallions and flowers plus a pretty border around the edge of the lid. You can do it all with decoupage. Click the link below to find instruction on how to do decoupage.
...For this projects, you could either use a craft wood plate, or a ceramic bisque plate. Paint the centre in a solid colour, then block it in with masking tape and sponge on a slightly lighter colour. Paint the outer part of the plate in a lighter contrasting colour and add a printed border. Add the print of your choice to the centre of the plate. Link to decoupage instructions is below.

How to make a sign!
How to do Decoupage How to find the centre of a circle.

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