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Mini Journal with with four strings of glass beads Love label - Gifted

Sorry about the lousy photos.

This is a mini journal as you can see next to the clothes peg. I made this as a gift for a friend in Trinidad who I have not seen since 1974. The person who is taking it there for me is only allowed 20kg baggage so I made it really small. that way she can tuck it into her carry on bag and hopefully I won't be imposing too much by asking her to take some extra weight.

My camera does not take close-up's very well. Or at least, I don't know how to do it very well.

This book measures 7cm x 7 cm. Just big enough to write the names of people you want God to bless. So I designed the book as a little Blessings journal. Inside the book on the first page is written "Linda's little book of Blessings" ... "Dear God, please bless all the people whose names I write in this book!"

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