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BOOK-0022 - Starfish on Softly Padded Colors

This gratitude journal was made as a gift for my neighbor who is suffering from depression. Allot of experimenting went into it. I used a new brand of Contact Cement, which I did not like very much.
I usually use regular or the original "Contact Cement" but the hardware store did not have any and sold me "Selleys Kwik Grip Gel". I would not buy it again. To me it looks like watered down Contact Cement made into jelly.

The combination of beads did not work out like I would have liked. Too many tubular shaped beads in a line tend to make the string of beads stiff. Won't do that again. Much better to alternate tubular beads with round or pony beads, that makes the string fall softly in your hand. The next thing I experimented with on this project was the paint I used for the covers. That turned out to be a success.

Starfish get soft when you wet them, so I painted them with fabric stifner to get them soft, then used extra tacky glue to attach them to the cover and weighted them down with a brick overnight so they would dry flat against the cover.

The cover is softly padded and features three starfish. There is a round blobby thing which visually ties the macrame knotting to the cover. Eight strings of beads, soft colors and a printed inside cover that is all about keeping a gratitude journal.

When I list the number of pages in a book, I am referring to one side of each leaf. For example, in a book with numbered pages, Page 17 would be on one side of the leaf or piece of paper, Page 18 on the other side. Therefore, a book with 224 pages would have 112 leaves.

This book has 224 pages.
Cover Size: (22.8cm X 23cm) ( 9" x 8 7/8 inches approx.)
This book is numbered and signed
Design Copyright Jean Hall 2009

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