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ArtbyJean - Stuff for Sale: CD - MM24 - Two Yellow Dasies

NEW! - ArtbyJean - Stuff for Sale: CD - MM24 - Two Yellow Dasies

...$10.00 With FREE Shipping.

 There are more than 700 Decoupage Mix and Match Prints on this CD
    Pages with Flower Motifs ... Fancy Medallions ... Square tea bag tiles  ... Round tea bag tiles ... ... Diamond & Oval Tiles ... ..., Magic tiles ... Flower tiles ...  CardFronts ... Alphabets & Numbers  ... Alphabet Pages ... Name Plates & Text Ribbons (Scrapbook & Cards) ... Blank Labels ...Scrapbook Layout Pages ... Pages of Scrapbook Goodies (beads, puzzle pieces etc ) ... Single Tags & Pages of Tags ... Scrapbook Frames ... Printable boxes and greeting cards ... Decoupage Bells ... Beautiful Bottles ... Butterflies ...  Crockery Prints (Cups, Teapots, Cutlery)  ... Easter Prints (Crosses & Eggs) ... Decoupage Fan Prints ... Fashion Prints (Hats, Umbrellas, Shoes,Bows) ...Dolls & Toys ...Decoupage Love Hearts ...Fish ...Christmas Prints  and more  This List is approximate only ... there could be a few things missing and other items included that are not listed.   All files are in JPEG format and print out a various sizes All files can be re-sized to suit your individual preferance..

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    To find all the posts in a single catagory, first look at the different labels connected to that post. (they are near the bottom) Click on the one you are interested in ... for instance if you were looking for FLOWERS, SCRAPBOOK TAGS, OR RIBBONS AND BOWS, you would click on the label (or tag) associated with that catagory and you will get every post ever posted with that lable.
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