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Oriental Stab Bound Journal w/Handmade Paper / Silk Fabric Covers

Slender journal, stab bound featuring handmade paper and 10 strings of handmade and pony beads
flowing from the spine. The handmade beads are also wrapped with gold threads and are protected with three coats of varnish The tie or stitching cords are criss-crossed at the back of the book as shown in one of the photos. The paper is fairly thick and has a lovely velvety feel to it and is a pale mustard color. The silk cover fabric is shot woven and turns from pale gold to olive to a sort of maroon color depending on how the light hits it.

The book is made up of 36 sheets of handmade paper
Cover Size: 4 3/4" x 10 1/2" or 12cm x 27cm
This book is numbered and signed
Design Copyright Jean Hall 2009

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