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Wool Longstitch Large Square Journal w/14 Strings of Beads

Hand Stitched Journal sewn on cords.
The front cover of this journal is decorated with a hand stitched panel of wool long-stitch embroidery. The colors are mostly greens, tans and neutral shades of brown and cream with a blue sky and white clouds. The picture is that of a country cottage with a timber fence. The end wall of the cottage is covered with a gorgeous climbing vine with bright orange flowers. The spine cords that hold the book together are crossed at the spine to make the book more sturdy and the book is further decorated with a tassel of beaded macrame knotting with 14 strings of beads as shown in the photos. I have also show a picture of the beads before stringing.
The method of binding used for this book which is very strong and sturdy, also allows it to open flat for writing, pasting or sketching just like it does with coptic binding.

This book has 224 pages.
Cover Size: (22.8cm X 23cm) ( 9" x 8 7/8 inches approx.)
This book is numbered and signed

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